Relocate To Canada From USA Or Around The World

Is this you?

Expiring STEM OPT / H1B Lottery Woes

You work in the U.S. on STEM OPT and have 1, 2 or 3 more tries at the H1B lottery.

What are your alternatives if the H1B visa doesn’t come through?

H1B visa holder with decades long wait for green card

You work in the U.S. on an H1B visa, but are frustrated with the decades-long wait for a green card.

You could move to another country, but you would have to give up your great job….or would you?

Working for U.S. tech company outside the U.S.

You are a talented tech professional in your home country. You work for a U.S./global company, but are unable to move to the U.S. because of H1B visa limitations.

Foreign tech worker seeking a job in the U.S.

You want to work in the U.S., but cannot get a work visa. Learn how to connect to U.S. companies and jobs that can be done remotely from Canada.

My H-1B was due to expire in January 2023. The first part of my green card application was backlogged due to COVID. Applications that would normally take 4 months were taking almost 8-10 months. At that rate, my green card application wouldn’t be finished until after my visa expired.


Senior Engineer

It would have been much, much harder and likely taken a much longer time to get to Canada if I had to do it through getting a job offer from a Canadian employer out the gate. They would have to do the additional leg work to be able to hire me.


Engineering Manager

Hear it from our community

We have helped foreign tech talent move to Canada from around the world. Whether you are in the U.S. struggling to get an H1B visa or work for a U.S. company anywhere in the world, we have a solution for you.

Reach out to us to learn more. We look forward to hearing from you!

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